Friday, January 14, 2011

Gearing up for 2011

Okay, I know we're already 2 weeks in. But the past two weeks have been full of packing and driving. We're now safely in Boise, Idaho (where they DO have Rite Aid!!) and it's time to start thinking about coupons again. I brought most of my pantry with me... and while I really don't need toothpaste or shampoo, soup is sounding really good right now! We're in much colder weather up north, and I need to think ahead a bit.

I'm already missing Kroger, 'cause as far as I know of there aren't any grocery stores here that automatically double coupons $0.50 or less. But I'm looking forward to experiencing Albertson's doublers... and of course, Rite Aid and Walgreens.

I'm tracking our coupon savings using this tracking sheet and will be sharing the savings via the "thermometer" on the right. Looking forward to seeing if I can hit my goal of saving over $200 a month!